Mplay hd 1080p digital media player remote
Mplay hd 1080p digital media player remote

mplay hd 1080p digital media player remote

The MPLAY-HD packaging box is no exception. Micca's packaging designs are always plain and simple, yet very eye catching. Everything else arrived in perfect condition with absolutely no complaints. Although the shipping seemed fine, my picky picky eyes picked up that the MPLAY-HD box appeared to be somewhat dented at the corner. Both of them came in a rather large brown corrugated cardboard box. They sent both digital media players to me for review, so I chose to get on the HD one first. Our Micca MPLAY-HD arrived at the same time as the Micca MPLAY from the company's offices in Fairfax, Virginia, USA to our location here in Calgary, Alberta, Canada via USPS Priority. Meanwhile, we fired one up to see how it works out in real life. I mean, movies and audio that you have legitimately purchased from your local media shop and online stores, haha. All you really need now is one massive external hard drive (Which can be purchased from the money you have saved from buying a network enabled player) to store those illegally obtained. While the MPLAY-HD digital media player does not stream videos over a network like the Patriot Box Office or aforementioned QNAP NMP-1000, it commands a price tag of only $60 at press time - and it offers two USB 2.0 ports to which anyone can attach their external storage devices with media files and play them from pretty much any TV. Micca has come along in an attempt to address this problem at a more affordable price.


Although I have a Sony PlayStation 3 for gaming and Blu-ray entertainment, it does not necessarily have enough space to store all the audio and movie files for my personal leisure time - not to mention the PlayStation 3 isn't a particularly brilliant network streaming device like the QNAP NMP-1000. From the latest Core i7 personal computers, the usual iPod and iPhones, all the way to HDTVs with high performance personal surround sound systems - I won't pretend that I am not a geek at heart! However, there are one or two things I am missing for my Toshiba Regza LX177 57" LCD HDTV. For those of you who don't know me as well as you should, I am very much like our Editor-in-Chief "the chc", in that I have many electronics and other gadgets lying around the house.

Mplay hd 1080p digital media player remote