Pokemon type chart
Pokemon type chart

Immune to Ghost Not Effective Against Ghost Immune to Electric Not Effective Against Flying Immune to Fight, Normal Not Effective Against Normal You should also check out our Pokemon Go guide hub for more great tips and strategies! If you’re here because you’re playing Pokemon Sun and Moon, be sure to check out our coverage of the latest Pokemon release as well. When it comes to battling a gym, use the chart below to determine the best type of Pokemon to use. For defending a gym you’re looking at Gyarados, Dragonite, Kangaskhan, Muk, Slowbro, Rhydon, Clefable, and Exeggutor as the second tier of strong Pokemon. This includes Gyarados, Zapdos, Muk, Exeggutor, Articuno, Weezing, and Flareon. While you’re searching for the strongest Pokemon, hold onto the following Pokemon that may not be the strongest, but they can still hold their own in a gym battle. It may take some time to find and evolve these Pokemon. In addition, if you’re defending a gym you want Pokemon like Blissey, Wailord, Mewtwo, Dusknoir, Ferrothron, and Gliscor. However, given how the battle types work in Pokemon Go, most people have had great success by using their strongest Vaporeon, so find an Eevee and evolve from there. The strongest Pokemon in the game based on their CP increase per level are Slaking, Eternatus, Mewtwo, Groudon, Kyogre, Lunala, Solgaleo, and Zekrom. Couple all of this with the fact that CP levels changed based on your trainer level when a Pokemon is caught and the best Pokemon will vary a bit for each player. In addition, a “super effective” attack in Pokemon Go will only net you 1.25x the damage, while an attack that’s “not very effective” reduce damage by 0.8. While the battle type chart covers even the most recent release of Pokemon Sun and Moon, it also works well for those still playing Pokemon Go, even though Go isn’t exactly like the mainline games, and the Pokemon types don’t matter quite as much. In this article, we’ll cover the best Pokemon in Pokemon Go and offer a chart of various Pokemon types and their weaknesses.

Pokemon type chart